Misc. Secrets Mysteries
  1. United States Conspiracy from founding fathers
  2. Beatles Mystery - Paul is Dead
  3. Beatles - Secret History of Paul
  4. Why we see things out of the corner of your eye
  5. Hidden Mickeys, Mickey Mouse Hidden everywhere
  6. Easter Eggs, Secret programs within other Applications
Bible Code and Bible Secrets
  1. Psalm 46 and Shakespear
  2. Secret Code 46 (King James Bible)
  3. Lost Books - First Book of Adam and Eve.pdf
  4. Lost Books - Second Book of Adam and Eve.pdf
  5. Lost Books - Book of Jubilees.pdf
  6. Lost Books - Book of the Secrets of Enoch.pdf
  7. Lost Books - Gospel According to Peter.pdf
  8. Lost Books - Secret Gospel of Mark.pdf
  9. Lost Books - Gospel of Phillip.pdf
  10. Lost Books - Gospel of Thomas, scholars' translation.pdf
  11. Lost Books - Gospel of Thomas, Text A, Infancy 2.pdf
  12. Lost Books - Gospel of Thomas, Text B, Infancy 3.pdf
  13. Lost Books - Gospel of Thomas, Text, Infancy 4.pdf
  14. Lost Books - Letters of Herod and Pilate.pdf
  15. Forbidden Gospels and Epistles, complete.pdf



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